
Membership Rates

Membership effective October 1, 2023

Membership Type New Rates Effective 10/1/2023
Youth (Ages 6-11) $18.00/$198.00
Teen (Ages 12-18) $21.50/$236.50
Young Adult (19-26) $35.50/$390.50
Adult (Age 27 & over) $44.00/$484.00
1 Adult Household $53.00/$583.00
2 Adult Household $69.00/$759.00

Add Men's, Women's, Squash Health Center Add On
(including 24hr access)*

$22.00/$264.00 Per Adult (23 & older)

Seniors 65 and older receive a 10% discount on adult membership fees. Senior discount does not apply for Health Center add on effective 10/1/23. 


Ask about the Open Doors Program,
the Chambersburg YMCA's revised financial assistance program.

*Financial assistance is not available for health center access


Chambersburg Memorial YMCA Insurance Partnerships:

SilverSneakers Logo         Healthy Partners Plan Logo         
Active and Fit Logo          Prime Fitness Logo          Renew Active Logo


For more information and to find out if you are eligible for any of these programs, please call the phone number on the back of your insurance card. 


Military Discounts

The Chambersburg Memorial YMCA offers multiple military discounts options for our members and visitors.   


Membership Privileges

  • Fitness Center (during the Y's normal hours of operation)
  • Unlimited Adult Fitness Classes
  • Reduced Rates on Other Y Classes
  • Racquetball/Handball/ Wallyball & Squash Courts
  • Pickle Ball Privileges
  • Volleyball League Participation
  • 2 Swimming Pools
  • 3 Gymnasiums
  • General Locker Room
  • All Adult Privileges PLUS:
  • 24-Hour Access to Fitness Center
  • Sauna / Steam room / Whirlpool
  • Tae Kwon Do at $12.00/month
  • Private Locker   (Locker Room not accessible 12 midnight - 4:30 a.m.)
  • Adult Privileges for 15 yrs. and older, student privileges for children
  • Fitness Center Access for 12, 13 & 14 year olds - With Parent Supervision
  • Preschool/Youth Center
  • Teen Center
  • Biddy Sport Skill Instruction at $5.00 per session
  • Gym & Swim
  • FREE Babysitting & Child Watch
  • Youth & Family Fitness Center
  • Open Family Pickle Ball Privileges

Family - husband & wife or husband, wife & their children through high school age living at home and children who are full time college students through age 22.

Household - 2 adults in a committed relationship (not roommates)  residing at the same address or 2 adults in a committed relationship residing at the same address and dependent children living in their household up to 18 years of age or through high school and any full time college student through age 22.

  • 2 Swimming Pools
  • 3 Gymnasiums
  • Gym-n-Swim
  • Youth Fitness Center
  • Preschool/Youth Center
  • Teen Center
  • Reduced Rates on Y Classes
  • General Locker Room
  • Adult privileges available during the student hours of operation.


Membership Policies

If at any time you find yourself in an emergency, or see another member in difficulty, please alert a staff member immediately.
If you are in the pool and the alarm sounds, please exit the pool immediately. The guards will direct you further.
If we need to evacuate the building the staff will announce it on the intercom. Please familiarize yourself with the exits.

The Chambersburg Memorial YMCA may close, delay opening, or cancel programs when weather conditions are such that roads or the parking lot are, or soon will be, difficult to navigate. To provide consistency and clear communication we follow the Chambersburg Area School District (CASD) for weather-related cancelations and delays. 

CASD on 1- or 2-Hour Delay:

  • All classes/lessons scheduled to begin prior to 10:00AM are CANCELLED. (aquatic, fitness and group exercise)
  • Ark Child Development Center opens at 7:00AM
  • Before School Care at all locations open at 7:00AM for regularly scheduled participants
  • Preschool Discovery begins at 10:30AM for 1 hour delays and cancelled for 2 hour delays
  • Swim Team AM Practice aligns and meets according to delay (meets 1 hour later or 2 hours later than scheduled time)

CASD is Closed:

  • All classes/lessons scheduled to begin prior to 12:00PM (noon) are cancelled (aquatic, fitness and group exercise)
  • Ark Child Development Center opens at 7:30AM
  • Preschool Discovery is cancelled
  • Before and After School Care at all locations is closed - All Day Care will be available at the YMCA and requires a daily registration. Opens at 7:00AM.
  • All other After-School Programs are cancelled
  • Swim Team AM Practice updates will be posted on Team Unify website or Facebook account
  • Swim Team PM TBD and posted on Team Unify website or Facebook account
  • All Evening programs will be posted if cancelled by 4:00PM

CASD Early Dismissal (due to inclement weather):

  • After School Care is open at all locations for regularly scheduled participants. (Before School only may not attend After School Care due to inclement weather)
  • All other After School Programs are cancelled 
  • Swim Team TBD and posted on Team Unify website or Facebook account

Programs involving bus transportation from school will not be held if school is not in session or if schools are closed due to weather.

Cancellations and closings due to Inclement Weather will be posted on the following media sources:

  • Website -
  • Facebook @Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
  • Instagram @ChambersburgYMCA
  • Remind App - TEXT @ygroupfit3 to 81010

The YMCA will conduct all programs as scheduled on days the school districts are not in session. Any Y programs involving bus transportation from school will not be held if schools are not in session or closing due to inclement weather.

For your safety and security, you are required to use your membership card to gain access to the facility at all times. If you forgot your card, the desk staff will verify your membership. If you have lost your card you must purchase a new card to gain access. The YMCA has the right to ask for identification.

Members from other YMCA’s can join our Y and the Association Fee is waived if their existing membership is current or has lapsed less than 30 days.

Medical limitations and Active Military Duty obligations are the only acceptable reasons for the YMCA to freeze a membership. Written documentation from the appropriate authorities is required to freeze a membership.

If a person joins our YMCA for a year and moves from the area or decides not to come to classes, a refund will not be given. However, for a person moving from the area, most Y’s will accept a portion of their membership. We allow credit for 50% of the time remaining on their existing membership. Program refunds will not be given after the second class, except with a written statement by a physician for medical reasons. All refunds have a $5.00 service fee deducted from the refund or credit voucher.

There will be a $30.00 charge for all checks returned by the bank for non-sufficient funds. Any member who has two returned payments within a twelve-month period will be required to conduct all future transactions in cash.

As a courtesy to active full-time military personnel, the Chambersburg YMCA will allow regular adult usage of the Y’s facility for active full-time military personnel, who are on temporary duty in our service area or home on leave.
Their usage of the Y’s facility will not exceed 14 consecutive days within a one year period and does not extend to their family members.
This policy does not apply to National Guard and U.S. Reservists, who are performing their annual 2-week training or weekend training duty.

No pro-rating of classes prior to the start of class. We will pro-rate after a class has started if the participant has not been in the class prior to enrollment. The pro-rated fee will be for the missed classes only.

Due to curriculum design and class size all make-up classes must be approved by the designated Y Director.

* Recommended to shower before entering pool
* No one in pool until lifeguard is on duty
* Swimmers 6-8 years of age must be accompanied by an adult in the water or have passed Guppy level swim instruction.
* Children 6 and under must have a parent with them at all times in the water.
* Glass containers and food are prohibited in locker rooms or pool areas.
* Use of pool equipment must be authorized by life-guard on duty.
* No hanging on lane lines
* No running or horseplay in pool or locker room
* No diving in shallow areas
* One person at a time on diving boards
* One bounce on diving board and dive straight off
* Pool closes during electrical storms. Reopens 30 minutes after last lightning.

The Chambersburg YMCA offers one of the areas finest fitness facilities. Please read and support the listed policies to help maintain this quality facility.

The YMCA is committed to character development and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to children and families. All members are expected to dress and behave appropriately. Swimwear is required for pool access.
The Chambersburg YMCA is a family facility. Inappropriate, rude, or disruptive behavior or inappropriate dress will not be tolerated and will result in suspension or revocation of membership privileges without refund. Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior and members for their guest’s behavior.
Parents will be notified of any behavior problems before the child is suspended or expelled from a YMCA program or the YMCA. Some exceptions may apply.

To provide a safe and protective environment for all youth using the Youth Fitness Center the following guidelines are in place:
Youth enrolled in kindergarten through 6th grade may use the Youth Fitness Center.
Participants must wear appropriate clothing for exercise. No bare feet or backless shoes of any kind are permitted. Water bottles only are allowed in the facility. Staff will not be responsible for lost or missing personal items. Please do not bring electronics or money into the facility. Keep in mind that proper and safe use of the equipment is required at all times. The YMCA expects Youth Fitness Center participants to use respectful and responsible behavior at all times. Youth may be asked to leave and refused entry if they are disruptive and disrespectful to other youth or staff.
Intentional misuse, abuse and/or damage to the equipment or facility will not be tolerated. Youth may have membership privileges removed as a result. Intentional damage to the equipment or facility will result in an automatic membership termination, with no refund.

The Chambersburg YMCA welcomes everyone, regardless of age, race, sex, faith, ethnicity, ability or religion. YMCA membership activities create supportive communities of members who are involved in a variety of enriching activities, recreational and supportive social networks, and a sense of belonging. YMCAs are founded by volunteers, led by volunteers, and encourage volunteerism in their programs.
Fees are based on the community affordability, and financial assistance is available for those who cannot afford to pay the full cost of membership. Funds for financial assistance are available through various sources, including United Way.