The YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all. To promote safety and comfort, the YMCA asks all persons to act appropriately when in Y facilities, on Y property or participating in Y programs.
When utilizing the Chambersburg YMCA, I will adhere to the following guidelines and expectations:
- Membership cards should be utilized to access the facility. Members without a membership card must check in at the Welcome Center. Guests should also be checked in at the Welcome Center and pay the appropriate fees at time of arrival.
- The Y is a drug, alcohol, weapons, and tobacco free zone. (This includes e-cigarettes & vaping.)
- We treat others with respect. Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language, or any type of menacing behavior is prohibited. This includes physical contact with another person in an angry, aggressive, or threatening way.
- Furthermore, sexually explicit conversation or behavior; any sexual contact with another person; including any displays of public affection or demonstration of sexual activity or contact is also prohibited. • The use of appropriate and respectful language is expected at all times. Refrain from verbally abusive behavior, including profanity, swearing, name-calling, or shouting.
- Appropriate attire is required at all times, this includes swim suits. Shirts and shoes are required in all areas outside of the natatorium.
- We respect the Y property and the property of others. Theft or behavior that results in the destruction or loss of property may result in termination of access privileges and legal action.
- We respect the privacy of others. Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras, are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms.
- Furthermore, anyone caught taking pictures of another person, other than their own family members, without their permission and knowledge may have access privileges revoked and could face prosecution.
- In an effort to maintain a positive environment please refrain from loitering within facilities and/or on the grounds of the YMCA.
- I understand this code of conduct to be a guide and therefore other actions or conduct unbecoming of the YMCA Core Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility may result in accountability and loss of access privileges.
In addition, the YMCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who has been accused or convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse, is or has been a registered sex offender, has ever been convicted of any offense related to the sale, possession and/or transportation of illegal drugs, or is currently under the influence of illegal or dangerous drugs or chemicals, narcotics, or intoxicating beverages. Suspension or termination of YMCA membership may result from inappropriate conduct. If circumstances need further investigation, the membership of person(s) involved may be suspended throughout the due process.
The Chambersburg YMCA utilizes video surveillance technology throughout Y property.